Project: Alpha
Project Alpha was a project done mid semester in ITE. This project is to help us understand if we know how a database works where you can Add, Update and Delete items in the database. As you can see the homepage is full of nonsense as the project is based on functionality and not the content. This project was created using ASP.NET as it needs a database to function and store all the data that would be going into the database using SQL Queries
Project: Ace
Project Ace was also made in ITE where it is being made with PHP as i needed to have a session active for users so that it would show their username below the header. This project is about users being able to login, apply for lessons offered by us. This project was included with Media Queries so that it is compatible with mobile devices and not only desktops/PCs. This is the mobile version of the website.
This is one of the pages of Project Ace where i made the layout of the table on mobile different to the one on the desktop version as it was out of shape when it went into the resolution of a mobile device. This page has all the lessons offered by the company. It can be edited in the Admin page to where admins can make a specific course not available by not displaying them. Admins can also add, edit and delete courses in this table.
Project: Culinary Expert
Project Culinary Expert was done in ITE as my final semester project or basically Final Year Project before graduating. The website would allow users to create an account and log in to it to access our website's functionality of being able to book a lesson with our instructors. This project was done using ASP.NET which is designed for web development to produce dynamic web pages. It is using dummy text of Lorem Ipsum as it was only being graded on functionality like if everything works fine where if a user makes an account, it is saved in the database. When users apply for a certain class or instructor, they should be inside the database as well as when they update or delete their booking.
This is the Admin side of the Project Culinary Expert. Here as admins, we can see the user's MemberID when they signed up an account. We can also know when they signed up for an account and their email in case there's any announcement on cancellation of lesson and etc. Users assigned with admin roles are the only ones who can access this page while members can only acess the member page.